Safe Harbor for Your Savings
Special rate CDs with competitive, fixed rate of return.
Fully-insured through FDIC & Massachusetts Depositors Insurance Fund.
*Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) offer on the above special rates effective, 2/11/25 and assumes that interest and principal will remain on deposit until maturity. $1000 minimum to open and $1000 balance needed to earn the stated APY. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal, and fees may reduce the earnings on the account.
Check out all of our certificates to find the terms and rates that work best for you.
(Rates effective 2/11/25)

Ask about our special rates and certificates for IRAs.
Call 508-627-4266 or stop into any of our Island or Falmouth locations.
*Annual Percentage Yield = Yield when principal and interest are left on deposit. Annual Percentage Yields greater than the Interest Rate show the effect of monthly compounding. Certificates of Deposit are subject to penalty for early withdrawal. With fixed rate term accounts, rates are guaranteed for the length of the term. Fees could reduce the earnings on the account.
Early withdrawal penalties may be imposed.
Rates are guaranteed for the length of the term with fixed rate term accounts.