b'LOCAL GIVING CREATES CONNECTIONSBelow: Children discovering nature at the Woods Hole Child Center, a 2023 Community Impact Grant recipient. (Courtesy photo)Right: The gallery space at Featherstone Center for the Arts, recipients of a $25,000 grant. (Courtesy photo) Marthas Vineyard Bank CharitableLocal connections are the key to the Foundation is proud to be part of a longFoundations annual Community Impact tradition of local banking dedicated toGrants, which invite members of the giving back that makes a difference. Wecommunity to vote for nonprofits they feel are passionate about investing our time,have made an impact, as well as the Art resources, and energies into listening andof Teaching grants, created to help local responding to the needs of our community. teachers afford a special project or event to Our giving in 2023 reflected some of theengage students and improve outcomes. years most urgent challenges. A grant ofAnd through Community Scholarships $1 million was awarded to Island Grownand the Philip J. Norton, Jr. Scholarship Initiative to meet the growing numbers offor Public Service, we continue to connect Islanders struggling to afford basic food andlocal students with greater opportunities to groceries. Falmouth Housing Trust received abecome successful, productive members of grant to support their mission of developingour community. and maintaining affordable housing for low-Marthas Vineyard Bank Charitable and moderate-income Falmouth residents.Foundation is also proud to support the From environmental causes, education,fundraising efforts of local nonprofits economic development, and healthcare,through special events and sponsorships of to culture, the arts, historic heritage, anda multitude of artistic, sporting, educational, community services, the Foundationsand cultural events that ensure we all enjoy a Community Support and Impact-Focusedvibrant, creative, and healthy community. Grants helped connect numerous localFind all the grant recipients in our 2023 Giving nonprofits with the resources they require toReport, online at community.mvbank.com.keep our community strong today and for generations to come. 14'