b'STRONG CONNECTIONSLOCAL BANKING BUILDS STRONGPOWERFUL SUPPORT FORCONNECTIONS SMALL BUSINESSESTheres a lot more to lending than justRunning a business is hard work. At Marthas money. As a local bank, were also able toVineyard Bank, we make it easier with state-lend our expertise and experience, to ensureof-the-art tools like Clover, a powerful our customers have the knowledge and toolspoint-of-sale system that not only improves they need to achieve their dreams. Withcustomer service but can also help manage each connection we make, we create a ripplesales flows, inventory, employees, and more.effect, connecting families with communities,We understand that every business is unique, businesses with clients, workers with goodregardless of its size or industry, so we take jobs, and customers with locally-sourcedthe time to get to know each business and products and services. It all starts with acreate tailored solutions that meet their personal connection.specific requirements. With a wide range ofservices, including business checking, savings,credit card, merchant and payroll services, and financing, our goal is to be a true partner in every business success journey. 4'